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5. Juli 2016
von oscarledesma
Kommentare deaktiviert für D-Brane Cosmology
5. Juli 2016
von oscarledesma
Kommentare deaktiviert für D-Brane Cosmology
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5. Juli 2016
von oscarledesma
Kommentare deaktiviert für Nabokovia faga excisicosta
Black Butterflies Buy a Print here
28. Juni 2016
von oscarledesma
Kommentare deaktiviert für Retreat – Les ecrivains maudits
Just like writing, painting usually starts out as an introspective process. Jorge Luis Borges once said that he was much prouder of all the books he had read than of those he wrote himself. A quote which to me shows … Weiterlesen
28. Juni 2016
von oscarledesma
Kommentare deaktiviert für Forest 2.0
Chance creates beauty Software. Digital print. Large variables. 2014. I often promised myself to never let my work as a mathematician and programmer influence my work as an artist. But sometimes it nevertheless happens, for instance in my project Forest 2.0. … Weiterlesen
28. Juni 2016
von oscarledesma
Kommentare deaktiviert für On mercy and being merciless
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen. This is a prayer many people in Mexico learn as children, and many times these are also their last words: Piedad. Ruega por nosostros. … Weiterlesen
28. Juni 2016
von oscarledesma
Kommentare deaktiviert für Aletheia – Theory of everything
This series of images is strongly influenced by my scientific background. It functions as a monumental catalog that reveals relationships between anatomy, organic symmetry and mathematical diagrams. Every work within this series can be described as a more or less … Weiterlesen
5. Oktober 2015
von oscarledesma
Kommentare deaktiviert für Mathematical beauty
Mathematical beauty. Live Painting und Vortrag bei N.A.T.U.R. Festival in Bochum. 2015
17. Dezember 2014 von oscarledesma
Infinity Theory
Oscar Ledesma
Oil & Acryl & Ink
180 cm x 200 cm
Diese Galerie enthält 1 Bild.